-Connect- This is bowling night was one of the first places we went when we began the youth group under the name OUTPOST. Joradan’s parents were there. Tommy’s brother and a friend, and only about 3 other people. It was a small group, but we had a lot of fun. And I loved it because it was the first youth group outing! Then my eyes are drawn to the picture on the top. This was the recent SUMMER LUAU on the beach. A few more people are around now…and everyone looks a little more grown up. I am amazed by the difference in our group. Not just the size, but the friendships that have developed. The two pictures represent God’s faithfulness to us as more and more teens come around and join us! These are 2 that I love and cherish because it continues the memories of God at work in and around us.
-Reflect- Read Luke chapter 1
Key Verses: 1-4
“Since many have undertaken to set down an orderly account of the events that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed on to us by those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and servants of the word, I too decided, after investigating everything carefully from the very first, to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the truth concerning the things about which you have been instructed.”
Luke begins his book with an explanation of what drove him to writing. He is aware that others have attempted to write down what they had seen in Jesus, but he feels that he has seen and observed a remembered enough to write yet another version of the stories to be passed on to Theophilus. He does this so that he might really understand all about the things he had been taught.
Luke is drawing from the great depth of the memories he holds about Jesus and the stories he has heard himself…and he wants to share those memories so that Theophilus can know the full power of Christ.
-CONNECT- Memories are a powerful thing…they drive us to continually tell our stories to other people. To remind them about how we have grown, what we have changed, who we are or the things we did. Memories cause us to be grateful for the wonderful moments we have been blessed with and they push us to keep searching to make new ones. Just take a moment to remember the picture in your mind where you first saw Jesus…was it in a church service? Was it when you felt like an idiot at school and someone was finally nice to you? Was it in the acceptance you found with your teammates? Is it in the first time someone told you they loved you? Or when an impossible situation became possible? Don’t ever forget that picture of Jesus because if you have REALLy een him and REALLY remember, then you will have to tell the story to someone else. The memory is too good to keep to yourself!
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