Life is hard. Faith can be frustrating. But beyond TV, myspace, and music, there is a voice that is calling to you---a generation of believers that can make a difference. This is your site; a place for you to read up on what God has to say,to share your thoughts and needs, and to connect with the rest of the OUTPOST family. Keep us posted :)

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Jenny was a bright-eyed, pretty five-year-old girl who after seeing plastic pearl necklace for sale begged her mother to buy it for her. Her mom did but only after Jenny agreed to do specific chores to pay off the necklace. How Jenny loved those pearls. She wore them everywhere - to kindergarten, bed and when she went out with her mother to run errands.

Now Jenny had a very loving daddy. When Jenny went to bed, he would get up from his favorite chair every night and read Jenny her favorite story. One night when he finished the story, he said,

“Jenny, do you love me?”
“Oh yes, Daddy, you know I love you,” the little girl said.
“Well, then, give me your pearls.”
“Oh! Daddy, not my pearls!” Jenny said.
“But you can have Rosie, my favorite doll. Remember her? You gave her to me last year for my birthday. And you can have her tea party outfit, too. Okay?”
“Oh no, darling, that’s okay.” Her father brushed her cheek with a kiss.
“Good night, little one.”

A week later, her father once again asked Jenny after her story,
“Do you love me?”
“Oh yes, Daddy, you know I love you.”
“Well, then, give me your pearls.”

“Oh, Daddy, not my pearls! But you can have Ribbons, my toy horse. Do you remember her? She’s my favorite. Her hair is so soft, and you can play with it and braid it and everything. You can have Ribbons if you want her, “Daddy,” the little girl said to her father.

“No, that’s okay,” her father said and brushed her cheek again with a
kiss. “God bless you, little one. Sweet dreams.”

Several days later, when Jenny’s father came in to read her a story, Jenny was sitting on her bed and her lip was trembling.

“Here, Daddy,” she said, and held out her hand.

She opened it and her beloved pearl necklace was inside. She let it slip into her father’s hand. With one hand her father held the plastic pearls and with the other he pulled out of his pocket a blue velvet box. Inside of the box were real, genuine, beautiful pearls. He had had them all along. He was waiting for Jenny to give up the cheap stuff so he could give her the real thing.

-Reflect- Read: Matthew 13
Key Verse: Matthew 13:45-46

“Again the kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.”
In these verses we see the parable of the “Fine Pearls” where Jesus speaks of a merchant who sold everything he had, his land, his animals, his food, I mean everything he had just so that he could obtain the fine pearls he had found. Jesus is comparing Heaven to these fine pearls and is asking what are you willing to give up to obtain the gift he has for you which is eternal life in Heaven?

There are things in this world that we seek to obtain, a house, a new car, nice clothes; all the new technology there is etc., etc., and we go to many lengths to buy all these things for ourselves or to get other people get it for us; things that at the end will do nothing for our salvation or impress God for that matter. None of these things if you really think about it can compare with the reward God has for us in heaven and we would know that if we would just let go of the “plastic pearls”. In our story Jenny didn’t receive the real pearls until she let go of the plastic ones. Many times we won’t know what we are missing out on until we decide to let go of that we think is the best there is.

-What kind of “imitation” things are in your life? “fake relationships?”
-Have you every really experienced God giving you something that was much better than you imagined?-What did you like about this chapter?

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


-CoNnEcT- In the movie the Shawshank Redemption, there's a character by the name of Brooks who had been locked up almost his entire life. The only place he could call home was the cold concrete walls of Shawshank prison. So after nearly sixty years of being locked up, he finally gets out on parole. But soon after his release, Brooks begins to realize how much he misses the confines of that prison. He has all the freedom in the world. He's been waiting to be back in the real world for so long, but when he actually tastes a little bit of freedom, he doesn't know what to do with it. So he starts thinking of ways he can get back in. He's thinking about crimes he can commit that would send him back to jail. Anyway to go back to that bondage is alright with him.

-ReFlEcT- Read Matthew 12

Key Verses:1-14
Jesus is encounterd by a group of people who are also in bondage. Unlike Brooks, there bondage isn't limited to bars and chains. They are in bondage to the law. They've grown up in a system that tells them how to do everything. So long as they follow the prescribed method, they've got it made. But Jesus came to give humanity freedom. He came that we may have life and have it more abundantly. He had taught about this freedom. He had lived this freedom and so did his disciples. So when the Pharisees challenged Jesus for breaking the law by eating and healing people on the Sabbath day, they were expressing their comfort with bondage. Freedom had been offered; it had been promised, but they preferred their prison cells.

-DiReCt- In our lives, we should reflect on the ways that Jesus has freed us. He has freed us from the guilt of our mistakes. He has freed us from our own self-righteousness. He has freed us from the law. Yet we prefer our prisons. We don't want to the good thing or the responsible thing, we just want to the right thing (the thing that the law tells us we need to do). Guilt from our bad decisions can often be very hard to bear. It can trap us and entangle us, but Jesus has come to give us freedom from this trap. Don't be like the Pharisees. Don't be like Brooks. Don't go back to the prison. For in the end, Brooks couldn't find a way to get back into the prison. In the end, he couldn't return to the big house and couldn't stand the new freedom. So, he simply took his own life. Likewise as much as we might try to live up to the standards of the law, we are always going to fall short, we are always going to fail. However, if we turn to Jesus, "the Lord of the Sabbath," we will find our true freedom and we will avoid the self-destruction that Brooks fell into.

-Have you ever felt like you were in a prison?
-Is there any part about being a Christian that you feel like you would rather avoid because its too hard or "different"?
-Pray for your youth group peers this week and ask God to help us all break out of our prisons and find freedom in Jesus.

Jesus, you came to save us and give us abundant life. Thank you. Please help us to be free in you so that we can live a life of joy and peace. Amen.

Monday, April 24, 2006


-CoNnEcT- If you have ever had cold feet for any situation, then you know what it must have felt like for “Runaway Bride” Jennifer Wilbanks. This particular woman was engaged to be married when she suddenly disappeared. After a whole search went on and everyone was panicked, Jennifer showed back up. She had staged her own kidnapping all to get out of going through with the planned wedding to her fiancé. Her initial call of kidnapping was quickly identified as “Cold feet.” -Talk about needing some time away!

-ReFlEcT- Read Matthew chapter 11
Key Verse: 2-6

John was stuck in prison while he sent some disciples to ask Jesus an important question. He (and everyone else) wanted to know if Jesus was the Messiah they had been waiting for. They were looking for someone who was going to really change things in their community and lead them in power that they so desired.

Upon being asked if he was the guy to do the job, Jesus draws attention to the signs and wonders of all the good things being done. People were receiving sight, the crippled being healed, even the “nasty”, sick people with leprosy were being healed and allowed to live back in the city. Those who were poor were finally hearing some good news---that they would receive their reward and they had hope of a future….good things were finally happening in the life of the people. That in and of itself was a clear message that this “Jesus” guy was “The one”. The answer to John was clear….Jesus was definitely shakin’ things up.

-DiReCt- In so many areas of our lives we want to know who is “The One”. This is especially true when you start the whole dating scene. We want to know who we should spend time with, who we should avoid wasting our time with, what we should be looking for in the people that lead and guide us….we HAVE to make the right choices. We are surrounded with pressure because we don’t want to mess things up.

Sometimes we end up like our “Runaway Bride”. We get a little scared of Jesus and letting him be the final and ultimate love of our lives, and so we run. We might worry that Jesus isn’t the way to heaven or that God is going to disappoint us, but the fear we carry leave us questing like John, is Jesus really “The one.”

According to the Bible, Jesus is the one. HE is the way, the truth and the life. HE is God’s son. He is the one who will bring about the end of this earth and the union of Christians with God in heaven. He is the savior of the world and NOTHING else can save us from ANYTHING.

So next time you feel yourself running from God, just remember that all the sign point to him and that he IS the perfect person for your life. Take the risk and build the relationship. Jesus loves you, and he still wants that relationship, even when you run.

-Have you ever felt a little scared/nervous about getting totally involved in a relationship with God?
-Do you find yourself ever running from God?
-How has God specifically shown you that He is the One you can trust with your life?
-What did you learn in this chapter?

Friday, April 21, 2006

Betta recognize

-CoNnEcT- What is life really about? Who are we really trying to please? These are a couple of the questions that come to mind when thinking about my life. Daily I find myself trying to please so many people. For example; at work I try all day long to please my clients so that they stay happy and I like it when they congratulate me for the great work I’ve done and when then tell my boss it makes it all the better. Then when I’m with my friends I go out of my way to impress them and gain their acceptance. I go out of my way time after time to please everyone around me and then I think what have I been doing to please God and gain his acceptance. I mean after all he went out of his way for me when he died on that cross taking all of my sins with him.

-ReFlEcT- Read Matthew 10
Key Verse: Matthew 10:32-33

“ Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before men, I will also disown him before my father in heaven.”

These verses are clear and to the point. Jesus is saying if you would acknowledge me, if you would recognize me, if you would speak of me in front of everyone around you, your family near or far, your friends in school, in church and in your neighborhood and anyone that you come in contact with, if you would acknowledge me then I would acknowledge you in front of my Father in Heaven. I would recognize you and speak of you to my Father.

-DiReCt- Everyday I seek recognition and acknowledgement from different people and yes it feels great when someone does but, I’ve realized that none of it really matters if I don’t have the recognition of my heavenly Father, the creator of all things and of men, the one who has the power to welcome me in his kingdom or send me away. It is ok to want the recognition and acceptance from people around us it’s in our human nature but our humanity and our earthly being is here only temporarily. So why go out of our way to please ourselves here on this earth when it’s all going to end someday? Why not seek to please the one that is eternal and would soon come for us to live with him eternally? I don’t know about you but I rather go out of my way to please God to speak of him and his goodness then to please myself and be sent away and disowned by God.

-What is one of your favorite ways to get attention?
-Who do you try to impress the most in your life, and why?
-What ways do you acknowledge God in your life?
-Think about how we can develop a greater desire to make God first on our list of people to please.
-What did you find interesting in Matthew Chapter 10?

God, We want to make time to acknowledge you. Give us a growing desire to please you in all we do and to let everyone know about your love. We have so many people we have to make happy—ourselves, our peers, our parents and teachers, sometimes even a boss…help us to make sure that first and foremost we are pleasing you. In doing this, we are thankful that you reflect back a concern for us. You are always faithful even when we are not. Thank you for that faithfulness. Amen.

Thursday, April 20, 2006


Derived from devotion on “Mobilizing a Rescue Operation” by Josh McDowell

-CoNnEcT- Here’s a huge question to talk about : Do you know how you can spot the difference between Christians and non-Christians?

No, that isn’t the lead-in to a bad joke. The difference between Christians and no-Christians is really serious. But it isn’t totally obvious.

Big devil horns, for example, don’t stick out of the heads of non-Christians. And huge angel halos don’t circle the heads of Christians.

Lined up on a football bench, believers and unbelievers all wear the same uniform. Sitting at desks at school, they all just look like kids trying to get a good grade.

You probably know unbelievers who are just as nice, just as smart, and just as friendly as believers. But there’s still a difference. It’s huge. And it matters for all of eternity ...

-ReFlEcT- Read Matthew Chapter 9
Key Verse: Matthew 9:37
“The harvest is so great, but the workers are so few”

- Unbelievers are cut off from God and eternal life. That means they can’t stop sinning. They’re slaves to sin (see Ephesians 2:1-3).
- Believers have a friendship with God and the guarantee of eternal life. They have been rescued from there sin and now are part of God’s family (see Colossians 1:13).

Maybe you’ve heard “Non-Christians need to know Jesus” so many times the hugeness of that fact bounces off you. It’s really easy not to care when non-Christians can be so much like you.

But God hasn’t forgotten the difference. He aches for the millions and millions of people-possibly thousands just in your school and hometown- who don’t know him. He’s incredibly concerned for each one-so concerned, in fact, that he took the ultimate step for every student, mom, dad, and other person. He became a human being and gave his life for them.

This is serious business to God. He doesn’t want anyone to perish-to go to hell because he or she hasn’t asked his forgiveness (2 Peter 3:9). He died to rescue the lost, and his rescue operation didn’t stop at the Cross.

-DiReCt- God gives us the privilege being a rescuer along with him. There countless people in our world just waiting for someone to tell them about God’s unconditional love. So we want to tell as many people as we can that Jesus has come to set them free!

Always remember the calling God has placed in your hands, do his work and you will be blessed.

Matthew chapter 9 talks about the work that Jesus did when he was on earth. It talks about how he healed people because they believed and had faith in him.

Jesus did this because of the unconditional love that he has for all of us. He healed all these people to demonstrate and prove his love for them. He healed the paralytic (Mat. 9:1-8), He revived the dead girl, and healed the women with the issue of blood (Mat. 9:18-26), And he healed the blind and the mute (Mat. 9:27-34)…All because he loved them and because they had faith in them.

In Matthew 9:9-12 it also talks about how Matthew was called to follow Jesus and be a disciple. Just like he called Matthew to be a disciple, he is also calling us to be disciples. He wants us to tell our friends that are unbelievers about his son dying on the cross for us.

-Have you ever told someone about Jesus?
-What are some things you can do to help be a “laborer in the harvest field”---to help tell everyone about Jesus and His love for them?
-List all the people you know who may not have ever asked Jesus to be a part of their life.
-Take 5 minutes and pray for each of those people today.

Father, give us compassion for our non-Christian friends. Help us never to forget that they are lost without you. Show us how to share your love with them. Amen.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


-CoNnEcT- You are getting closer to the end of the school year and you are failing at least two of your classes and in danger of getting left behind and you say “If only I would of done my homework instead of watching T.V., if only I would of listened in class instead of day dreaming about that special someone”. You search desperately for a way to bring up your grades and say, “ Maybe I can ask my teacher for a make up assignment or maybe I can double up my homework. Maybe I can clean the classroom or the bathrooms for extra credit”. You would do anything to avoid getting left behind.

-ReFlEcT- Read Matthew 8
Key Verses: 2-3

A man with leprosy came and knelt before Him and said “Lord if you are willing you can make me clean” Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing” he said, “Be clean” Immediately he was cured of his leprosy.

Now here is a man who has a skin disease known as leprosy. Now back then someone who had this disease would be taken out of his current home away from his family and society. He was left alone longing for his family& his home. Then, just when he thought there was nothing to be done, he hears about this man named Jesus. A man who is known to have healed many and who has the power to heal him. Desperate for healing and a chance to return to society and his family he seeks out this man named Jesus and kneels before him and says “Lord if you are willing you can make me clean” in other words there is no doubt that you can heal me and so I ask you to have mercy on me and bring healing into my life. Jesus seeing this man before him was moved and so he reached out his hand out to him and said “I am willing” and immediately the man was healed & restored.

-DiReCt- In our lives leprosy is that sin that has separated us from God. Separated us from the one person who is able to bring healing into our lives. The only one who is willing to reach out to us in our circumstance when no one else would even look at us and all he is waiting for is us to be willing to let go and let him cleanse us and restore us to himself. He is waiting for us to say just like this man with leprosy said to him “ Lord if you are willing you can make me clean” and he will be more than happy to reach out his hand and heal us.

-What area in your life are you desperate for help?
-Have you ever felt like God has helped you change, heal or become “clean” before? When?
-Why do you think so many people will not ask God to help/heal them?
-Were there any other stories or scriptures you liked/disliked or want to talk about in Chapter 8?

God, Help us to become desperate for you. Sometimes we are pushed away from our families, friends and future because we have benn labeled as “sick” and “unclean”. We find ourselves carrying a lot of guilt and shame for things, some that are not even our fault. Please heal us of our sin and remove the lonely feeling we find when we are separated from you and everyone else. Thank you for your willing ness to make us clean. Amen.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

TUESDAY: Tough Run

-CoNnEcT- It was the day of the big race and everyone had been training for months to win this thing. The race was a ten-mile run and would primarily run along the main roads of the town and on the flat land through some of the woods. Each mile would be marked with a florescent green sign pointing the runners in the right direction and affirming them in their countdown to the finish. The goal was for everyone to finish, but it would be inevitable that some would fall behind. These were people who were running with a purpose. They were people with a rare disease and the grand prize for the winner was the cure to the illness.

The runners lined up and the starting shot was fired; they were off! Each ran at their own pace, some quick and with shorter strides while others ran at a slower pace to ensure longevity. By and large, the group stayed fairly close together.

After about a mile and a half, one of the runners suddenly disappeared into the woods. Many people wondered why he would have gone that route, after all, running through the woods was much more intense and covered with rocks and streams to cross. But this runner had studied the map. He knew the rules, and he knew the trail. Although this trip through the woods would require much more strength and endurance, this runner was willing to leave the crowd and journey the rough terrain. In the end, he knew that his chances of winning the race would improve, even if it were a lot harder to make it to that finish line. He was determined to win. He was determined to survive.

By the 9th mile, nearly a third of the runners had slowed to a walk and the rest a steady jog. The crowd approached the final mile sign and the excitement began to stir. They had run the whole course. They had endured sweat and pain in the long haul through the Public Square and on the open roads. Finally, they were nearing a resting place.

The runner in the woods felt this same excitement. He too was coming to the end of his run. He had weaved in and out of trees, hurdled over rocks and fallen logs, splashed through the cool, wet streams, and nearly lost his lungs as he trekked up the steep hills he had not expected. At last, a clearing was in sight… a cure was close.

As the mass of people began to come within a few hundred yards of the finish line, the spectators began to cheer. The man who had taken the rougher road cut back onto the main trail and was in the lead. He was running steady and determined, and the rest of the crowd followed close behind. The tape was drawn and the anticipation was building when finally, the single runner burst through the finish and collapsed into the arms of the crowd. This man would receive the cure for his sickness. This man had run with all his might, on a path much more difficult than what was the norm and he finished with a promise to live.

Read Matthew Chapter 7
Key Verses: 13-14
In Jesus’ teaching, he explains that as believers, we are called to journey through a narrow gate that ends after a hard road. He claims that through this path, a person can find life. His illustration is one of the life of a Christian and the life of a non-Christian.

Many people think that being a Christian is easy. They think that everything in your life becomes good and that you never have to struggle, but even Jesus teaches that it isn’t true.

All around us people choose to follow the crowd. It is easy to do something when everyone is doing it, but to make a choice to do something different AND more difficult makes a huge statement. It is rare to find a person who will do things the right way instead of always trying to find a shortcut!

The scripture makes clear that there are not too many people who actually get on the right path that leads to life. It’s too hard. In fact, he even says that the road that leads to destruction is easy and wide. Most people would rather journey that way.

-DiReCt- Jesus wants us to live an abundant life. He wants us to live with peace and joy, and to reach the end of this race called “life” and be cured from our disease, which is sin. We can never escape sin and its effects in our world until we finally are united with God in heaven. It is then that those who have run the hard path will receive the gift of life, while those who took the easy route will miss out.

It is easy to do whatever you want. It is easy to treat people however you feel like. It is easy to live life considering yourself first and only. It’s easy to live without God because then you don’t have to think about what He wants; only what you want. But all of those lead to destruction in the end.

Make sure you have studied out the map God has given you. Be sure that you have geared up and prepared to take the hard road, and journey the path that not everyone else is willing to take. In the end, you will find eternal life rather than destruction at the end of a long race. You run through life one way or the other, so make it count!

-What path do you find yourself on, a difficult or an easy one in life?
-How can you stay focused to continue down the hard path of following Jesus?
-What are some areas of your life that still remain on the path that everyone else is going down?
-Do you want to win the prize of life? Why?
God, we are all running this race called life. Sometimes we think following you is easy because all we have to do is believe—please help us to realize that there is more to our journey that comes with believing. We need you to help us get through the rough spots in our lives. We need you to show us how to follow your path when it seems lonely, boring and confusing. Help us to take the risks we need to so that we can run to Win the prize of life. We need to win that cure that you have already given to us in Jesus. We want to follow him. Give us wisdom on how to. Amen.


-CoNnEcT- A person who dresses in black is labeled Goth. The person who has a temper is just a jerk. The kid who smells is too gross to bathe. The chubby person is just lazy. The person who is sexually involved is called a slut. The annoying guy is dubbed “stupid.” The smart aleck is suddenly the cool one. The quiet person is the snob. The friendly ones are freaks.

When someone took the time to look at these people’s lives, to examine their MYSPACE accounts and visit their bedrooms and ask questions about their behaviors, they found out the real truth:

-The guy in black was raised in a Satanist home and though he doesn’t believe it, he is forced to wear the colors of darkness.
-The one with the temper was abused and abandoned by his parents leaving him hurt and angry and desperate to defend himself from anyone else who might try to hurt him.
-That nasty smelling kid in class isn’t just gross…he lives in a poor family and they have to save money by limiting water and electricity use. Besides, no one really taught him how to care about himself.
-The lazy one who is a little chubby turns out not to be so lazy…he happens to have an illness that is treated with medication that causes major weight gain.
-And although the “slut” is involved with a variety of people, she can’t figure out how to act or respond to sexual advances because her uncle has raped her since she was a child.
- The stupid kid actually does have a learning disability and the others who have to live with the smart aleck remarks are just trying to make themselves feel powerful. -The silence of the quiet one isn’t of a snob, but of a person who fears being rejected and mocked by the loud ones.
-Those friendly kids are “too friendly” because no one was ever nice to them and they don’t want anyone to know how bad that feels.

These people hold tight to the pain in their lives, and it reflects in the things they say and do.

-ReFlEcT- Read Matthew Chapter 6
Key verses: 19-21

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal; but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

Jesus is teaching his followers a variety of messages in this chapter. Specifically here, he is pointing out that there are plenty of things that we love in this life. All around us are items and tools that we would love to have, but that in the end will not exist. The cool games, phones and I-pods won’t make it with us to heaven. All the items we hope to own: cars, homes and cash…none of it will last forever. Our stuff will break or get stolen, it will expire or start to cost too much.

-DiReCt- The lesson is to begin to focus on the things that really matter in life. No one can steal your love. Rust cannot deteriorate peace of mind. Animals cannot destroy solid relationships. There are deep levels of love and commitment to God and others that are far more important than any material goods we could have. But when we focus on other things, we begin to be consumed. Not just our actions, but our entire being gets caught up in the stupid little things in life that don’t really matter. We refuse to speak to our parents because we are mad they gave us a curfew. Or maybe we end a friendship because a person takes our favorite belonging. We all find ourselves focused on the things that shouldn’t matter.

And Jesus reminds us that “where your treasure is, there your heart is also.”

They way we act, the things we say, property we own and friends we choose all reflect where our treasure is. Our heart, the core of our being, demonstrates what is most important to us. And according to the Bible, we had better have our treasure based in God, or we have got nothing!

The people in our opening thoughts are people who had reasons for their behaviors. They are people who have been hurt and whose pain and experience drastically shape who they are. The same is true for each of us. We all have things that have helped shape us that we cannot control. Then again, there are many areas in our lives where we can control and demonstrate what is at the heart of who we are. Even in the midst of bad, painful and difficult tissues, we can allow Jesus to be our treasure so that he is reflected in all we do. When we finally learn that, it will be clear to everyone else around us what really matters to us.

-Where would you say your “treasure” in life is? (God? Sports? Family? Possessions?)
-Does the amount of time you spend there reflect that? (How much time do you spend in one area vs. other important things?)
-Do your actions and words show what you want to be committed to?
-If we are committed to Jesus as our treasure, then is our heart really there? (list the ways you know that your heart is sold out to Christ)

-What is one thing you could do to clearly demonstrate that your heart and treasure are in heavenly things and not what will fade away?

God, thank you for giving us your love that will last forever. Please help us to learn how to keep you as the most important treasure in our lives. There are plenty of things that we love, but we wantt o love you most of all. Help us to learn how to show that you are the thing we love most, by giving you our time, talent, and actions. We know that you are the only thing that will endure forever. Thank you for creating us as your greatest treasure and for showing us that by sending Jesus to die for our sins. We love you. Amen.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Loving God more than Sin...yes, Repentance.

-CoNnEcT- Welcome to Wabush. This is a town in a remote portion of Labrador, Canada that has been isolated for some time. Recently a road was cut through the wilderness to reach it. Officially, Wabush now has one road; and that is the only road that leads you in to Wabush and the only way out. Imagine walking 6 to 8 hours on this road only to realize that the only way to get out of here, to get off this long, dusty trail, away from the endless journey, is to turn around and go back.

-ReFlEcT- Read Matthew Chapter 3
Matthew Chapter 3:3

“Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him”

John the Baptist was the guy who was making the announcements of Jesus’ arrival. In this chapter, the prophet Isaiah is quoted as calling people to “Prepare the way of the Lord.” The path he describes is one that Jesus will walk hour after hour, day after day just so that he can reach us in our town of sin. This path requires a great sacrifice from Jesus and calls us to a life of repentance.

Matthew Chapter 3:8
“Produce fruit in keeping with repentance”

For us to prepare for Jesus to walk that Road, we must live that life of repentance. Repentance is turning away from sin and turning to God. Turning away from everything that keeps us from what God wants for us and Jesus asks of us. Repentance is turning around from Wabush (Sin) and walking down the road that leads us back God. It’s al about making the tough decision to say “I’m sorry”, change our ways, and get back to where we need to be. Somewhere along the way, Jesus will be walking that path of sin, just looking for us to be coming towards him.

-DiReCt- Everybody lives in a city called Wabush (Sin) where there is only one way out. While we find ourselves sucked farther and farther into sin in our lives, we have to stop and turn around (repent) so that the path is prepared for Jesus to meet us. One of the hardest parts about turning around is thinking about the pain of having to go back through some hard times. Or maybe we feel like we have gone too far on this journey--- that repentance is too much because we have been too “bad.” But it is not so. Jesus still walks the path and waits for our turn around, and He leaves the choice up to us --choose a life of sin or a life of repentance. What life will you choose?

-Have you ever felt like you were going down a wrong path?
-Do you feel that way now?
-When was the last time you just stopped everything and thought about turning around?
-What makes changing so hard? What is the negative consequence?
-List some things that would be hard for you to change.
-Take one thing from your list and work on turning that part of your life around this week. (maybe a bad habit, maybe being hateful to people, etc.)

God, we are sorry for the things we do that keep us running from you. Forgive us for walking down a path of sin: with our words, with our actions, with our attitudes and with our lives. We need you to help us stop and think about where we are on this one-way road of sin, and to help us turn around and allow you to meet us. Thank you for forgiveness in our lives, even when we have done some terrible things. We trust you to help us change whatever needs to be changed. Amen.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

For the love of God

-CoNnEcT- There was a time when bonfires for believing teens became a popular way to get rid of anything “worldly” and show that you were sold out for Jesus. People would gather together and bring all sorts of things: drugs, pornography, CD’s and clothes… throw them all into the fire and watch them burn up. While many of the people involved in these type of youth groups activities were serious about their commitment to God and strongly felt a need to get rid of some stuff, others stood back terrified to think that they would have to give up some of the things they loved.

Even at Winterfest the same sort of thing happened…. people gave up things in the offering buckets, some people even there new I-pods. (While some of us wanted to pick them up!) Overall though, there are plenty of people who stand back from the Christian faith for fear that they might have to change some of their behaviors, or give up some of the things they hold most dear. That scares people. That whole idea makes some people mad. IT has even caused some people to deny God all together, because they claim this God is “too strict” and “Power hungry” as if his only desire is to take away every pleasure in our lives.

-ReFlEcT- Read Matthew Chapter 2
Key Verses: 2:13-15 and 19-23

The two key passages happen to be the times when the Lord spoke to Joseph (Jesus’ earthly Father). Jesus had been born, the wise men had come and brought him gifts, and Mary and Joseph are adjusting to life with a new baby. Then all of a sudden, The Lord speaks to Joseph in a dream and tells him to get the whole family together and move! If you know anything about moving, then you know it is NOT fun. But God wanted to protect Jesus from being killed by Herod, who had demanded all children under the age of two be killed.

After moving once, Mary and Joseph continue to adjust to life with a newborn, and Joseph has yet another dream… and God tells him that it’s time to move again! After two major moves, they finally settle in Nazareth. Can you imagine what it must have been like? To be in a place and trying to get comfortable, get a life started with a new family, and then have God himself take you somewhere else?

-DiReCt- Sometimes we find ourselves in places where we are comfortable and content. We try to make it through school, work, church and sports, and whatever else may come our way. As Christians we can get a little uncomfortable when we think about letting God be the one who leads our lives. The fear that we might have to go somewhere we don’t want to, to love people we don’t like, or to give up things we love and are comfortable with, causes us to want to keep control of our lives. But we have to remember that God does not lead us away from things/people/places to spoil our fun, but rather to keep us safe from the things that might pull us down or mess us up.

-Have you ever felt like there were some things you needed to change in your life?

-What are some of the things that would be hard to give up if God asked you to?

-Has there ever been a time when things could have gone a different direction in your life and ended up with negative results? (Like a bad friendship, a stupid action, etc.)

God, we want to trust in you. We like our friends, we like our music, we like certain books and TV shows and hobbies. But we know that we should like you most of all, and we need you to help us understand why you ask us to get rid of some things we like in our lives. We know that you have our best interest in mind, and you want us to be the best people we can be…even if it means giving up something or moving to a new place in a specific area of our lives. Give us courage to listen for your voice and to follow where you lead and forgive us for the times when we haven’t. Amen.

Monday, April 10, 2006

My name is what?

-CoNnEcT- Ever watch that VH1 special on celebrity baby names? The rich and famous come up with the wierdest names and don't hold back when it comes to starting a new trend...

There was a time when we thought names like "Mary Christmas" were strange, but now, those are nothing compared to Hollywoods creative construction of an identity:

Apple- Gwenyth Paltrow
Coco- David and Courtney Cox Arquette
Denim- Toni Braxton

Jermajesty- Jermaine Jackson
Puma- Erykah Badu

Then you've got names like "dixie dot, Banjo, Kyd and Audio Science..."
Overall, these probably aren't topping the charts for "most popular name of the year."

-ReFlEcT- Read Matthew Chapter 1
Key Verses: 18-23

The chapter opens with the whole Histroy of Jesus' family...a bunch of names we probably don't take too much time to study, until we get to JESUS. In MAry and Joseph's day, the naming of a child was a MAJOR event. The name given to a child was a reflection of his status, as well as a projection of his identity. They didn't serach for the wierdest name, nor did they want to come up with the most unique, the focus was on how the name could summarize you as a person.

Mary and Joseph probably didn't spend too much time dwelling on the name when God himself made it clear that the child shall be named "Jesus" because he would save people from thier sins. Jesus was a name that came from "Yeshua" which meant "Yahweh (God) is my salvation." We read later a prophecy said a child would be born and called "Emmanuel" which means "God with us."

It goes without saying that Jesus lived up to the identity that came with his name. He certainly saved (and still saves) people from thier sins, and in more than one way, he became "God with us." The primary way, of course, is that he became human and walked among us...He is the one who bridges the gap between us and God, and makes it possible for God to be with us, even though we are all sinners, that are seperated from God by that sin.

The whole process of selecting the name of a child that would save the world wasn't one to be taken lightly, and certainly ended up being the perfect name...Jesus lived up to his identity.

-DiReCt- So what about us? Do we live up to our identity? I don't mean according to your birth name (even if you wish your name was Coco!) We're talking about the name "Christian."

We respect people with titles like Dr. or President, or other things and we trust that those titles will be what the person is....we want our Doctor to live up to that and be a good Doctor! So why should it be different for Christians? The title of "christian" means to be "Christ like."

-In what ways are you christ like?
-Are there areas of your life that could lead people to believe you are not who you say you are?
-Write down one way where you could improve your identity as a christian and try to work on it this week!

God, help us to be who you want us to be. Teach us what it means to be a Christian and to act like Jesus. Sometimes it's hard, and there are days when we would rather do things our own way, but we want to live up to the title we carry...we want to be like you. Amen.

Thursday, April 06, 2006


-CoNnEcT- A recent article suggested that we are all caterpillars scooting on the ground wondering why we can’t fly. The caterpillar gets tired so he crawls into a space and takes a nap. When the caterpillar awakens he discovers that he has been given wings and a second chance at life.

-ReFlEcT- Read Romans chapter 3 and
2 Corinthians chapter 5.
Key verses: Rom. 3:23 and 2 Corinthians 5:17

The bible too is filled with stories of second chances and not only second chances but third and fourth and fifth etc.

Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”

Think about the life of David, the guy who was King of Israel. (You can read about him in 2 Samuel) He was constantly asking God for forgiveness, for a second chance to live right for Him and each time God in his mercy and grace gave him chance after chance. —Even after he had an affair with Bathsheba! His live was full of forgiveness…. and he was known as “a man after God’s own heart.”

And don’t forget about Saul a.k.a Paul. He’s the guy in the New Testament who started out killing Christians but was given a second chance to get things right. This turned out to be the second chance that would cause many people to come to accept Jesus. He ended up writing almost half of the New Testament! Talk about some change!

2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old has gone and the new has come.”

-DiReCt- We are so fortunate to have a God who can give us chance, after chance, after chance and we too can receive our second chance at life just like the caterpillars, like King David and Saul. We just need to learn to let go of all the things that hold us back, like hate, cursing, lying, disrespect towards parents and/or teachers, greed, anger, rage and un-forgiveness. If we would just take some time to rest in the presence of God and let him change us and change our situations, then we could find ourselves like a mature caterpillar, ready to fly through this life God has given us.

So we are all people who need a second chance. (because we all sin) When we allow Jesus to be the person to give us that second chance, we can become new creatures and get rid of the parts of us that need to go! I challenge you to get serious about God and see what happens. It will change your life forever.

1. Have you ever felt like you needed a second chance at something? What?
2. What does it feel like when someone doesn’t give you a second chance when you most need/want one?
3. What is something or someone that you need to give a second chance too? Maybe an old friend that you don’t speak to anymore…
Maybe someone who you haven’t allowed to play your recreational sports…
Give someone a second chance this week, because God is giving one to you. :)