Life is hard. Faith can be frustrating. But beyond TV, myspace, and music, there is a voice that is calling to you---a generation of believers that can make a difference. This is your site; a place for you to read up on what God has to say,to share your thoughts and needs, and to connect with the rest of the OUTPOST family. Keep us posted :)
-Connect- the top ways people connect:
Hit the cell
IM Hanging with a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend
-Reflect- Read Luke chapter 4
Key verses: 42-43
It was the early morning and Jesus decides to leave the people he is with to got meet some new people. The only problem was that they didn’t want him to go. They tried to prevent him from leaving, but he finally let them know he HAD to move on. He wasn’t just gonna stick to one close group of people, he was going to connect with people all over the world. But he had to actually get to them. He wasn’t gonna send a text or ask a friend to introduce him to someone new or just play online video games with these strangers….he was going to spend some real face- to –face time with anyone he came in contact with on his journey. This was a guy on a mission to tap into his adventurous side and meet as many new friends as possible. It wasn’t just something he loved to do, it was something he knew he was supposed to do….(It would have been a lot easier to have a car or AT LEAST the Instant Messaging!)
You tell us…what is your purpose with connecting with so many people? It’s a lot of fun to meet new people from all over the world and chat with them, but why do we love it so much? It’s definatley a cool thing to hang with so many different people and places to enjoy—So while your connecting, tell someone the good news…that God wants to connect with them too---He doesn’t just stick to one set clique.
Find a way to connect with a new person you normally wouldn’t this week! tell us what you did (card, text, convo., etc)

These are the before and after pictures of people who used Meth as the primary drug of choice. Some of these pictures show a time lapse of only 2 months.
-REFLECT- Read Luke Chapter 3
Key Verses: 15-16
The crowds in this passage were people who were expecting something great in their lives. They were hopeful and excited that this guy, John, was the messiah that they had been promised. And while they get all exited about what’s going on, John let’s them in on a little secret…that He is not “the man”. There is more to come. He boldly declares to them that though he has baptized them in water, that someone was coming who would do even more than that…someone who would baptize them in fire. And so the people are willing to wait. They are anxious and excited about Jesus coming because they are desperate for a better life than what they are experiencing. They are addicted to a savior/Messiah…and they will do what it takes to get to see this guy that’s coming. They are addicted to Jesus and didn’t even know it yet!
If you have ever had an experience with God, then you know you want more. When the Holy Spirit has touched your life and God has showed you that He is real and bigger and better than anything you have ever known, then you gotta have Him. Like a drug addict after the first high, you start to wonder how you can get more. When can you feel this way again and who can get you what you need…you aren’t content with just one joint, you need more. You aren’t content with just one drink, you start to crave more. When you have tried a series of drugs your body starts to tell you that you need more and you begin to do whatever you can to get more.
Now imagine what your face would look like after a few months of being addicted to Jesus. Addicted so badly that you have to pray. Craving him so much that you have to read your bible. So desperate to feel better about your life that you have to help someone else in need. When you are addicted you go out of your way to change anything, any habit, any attitude to make sure you can get what you need…and without it you feel like you can’t survive. The world might be full of a lot more happy faces if we let ourselves get caught up in being addicted to Jesus and all the goodness he brings us.
-CONNECT- Do you have a curfew? In many cities, both daytime and an evening curfew are enforced. These cities require that youth 18 and under be off the streets and in a private residence by 11 p.m. (give or take an hour) Anyone still out after that gets escorted home by the police and is at risk for criminal charges. So much for late night fun! More and more cities are adding the curfew policy to their laws to reduce crime and affirm better time management habits for youth.
-REFLECT- Read Luke chapter 2
Key verses: 41-50
In this story, 12 year old Jesus has broken his curfew so to speak. His parents had begun a long journey and Jesus was nowhere to be found. They searched everywhere for him and finally (3 days later!) they find him listening to all the teachers in the temple and asking all sorts of questions. They must have been pretty angry to think that Jesus didn’t even seem to notice that he had them going crazy with panic for three whole days…he was just happy to be doing what he wanted to. Finally he decided it was time to do what he was told and listen to his parents, so he left the temple and traveled with them. Needless to say, he had done a little bit more than break curfew! But the story doesn’t really say that he was punished or anything…while most of us would be. (grounded for life.)
-DIRECT- If Jesus himself didn’t get in major trouble for missing curfew by three days, then why is it that the rest of us get the cell phones and computers taken away for missing curfew by 20 minutes? Maybe it’s because our response is not usually as good as Jesus’: “Why were you searching for me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?” (v.49)
Jesus was at church…who could be mad about that? He was desperate to learn all about God and to question the teachers, and for that reason he knew he had done no wrong. The truth of the matter is that for most of us, we aren’t missing curfew to pray for a sick friend or attend a worship service…. instead we are doing what makes us feel good, look cool, and whatever entertains us. Maybe if we were spending more time learning about the things of God, our parents would give us a little grace and trust that we are safe. The more responsible we are, the more freedom we can be given. Jesus was only 12 and he already knew that…perhaps we can prioritize properly and we will be granted the same freedom.